Unlock Your Social Influence with Reputation 404

Attaining Mastery in Reputation Management

Our expertise lies in employing a blend of content removal and suppression tactics to accomplish our clients' goals.
Over 13 Years of Expertise

❝ Transforming Challenges into Victories❞


Enhance Your Social Strategy with Reputation 404.


We will completely remove all information from the site, ensuring there is no negative content associated with the URL. The negative content and/or the URL itself will be permanently deleted, guaranteeing it will never reappear.


We will thoroughly eliminate links from search results based on keywords. These links will become virtually impossible to locate and restore to their original positions.


We'll displace links from the top 10 search results and relocate them to pages that receive significantly fewer views.

Reputation Monitoring

Stay at the Cutting Edge with NoPresence Watch from Reputation 404. Be the initial responder, stay informed, and assert command over your brand's reputation. Reach out to us to discover how our real-time monitoring services can enhance your brand.

Positive PR

Welcome to Positive Public Relations Services, where we design influential strategies to shape and improve your public image.

About us
Our expertise lies in employing a mix of content removal and suppression strategies to accomplish our clients' goals.

Once our clients have clearly defined their objectives, we kickstart the process. The initial step involves a thorough examination of the provided materials. Afterward, we provide our clients with recommendations on the most effective approach to progress and achieve their goals.

One of the most common recommendations we often suggest is a dual strategy encompassing both content removal and suppression.

The first step involves a content review, primarily focused on identifying any potential options for the permanent removal of material, as this approach typically yields the most favorable outcomes.

* Please note that content removal is not always guaranteed

The second step comes into play if content removal proves unsuccessful.

In such cases, we offer a suppression package, which entails relocating links from the top 10 search results to less prominent pages.

Our value

Our suppression packages are categorized into three tiers.

The choice of tier depends on the keyword the client aims to clear, the domain authority ranking of the content, and other critical factors, all of which we determine through a comprehensive evaluation of the client’s case.

Definition of Domain Authority:

''Domain Authority (DA) is a metric used to assess a website's potential performance on search engine result pages (SERPs). It is graded on a scale from one to 100, where higher scores signify a stronger capability to rank effectively."

Because each client’s situation is unique, we determine the package level based on an average DA score and consider other relevant factors.

Our suppression packages are designed as monthly subscriptions.

Typically, it may require anywhere from 6 to 12 months for the content the client wishes to clear to no longer appear on the first page of search results. After this period, clients have the choice to renew their package to sustain the reduced visibility of the material.

Suppression packages

Average domain authority (DA)


Price (Monthly)

00;50  –



50;70  –



70;99 +



Removal packages

Average domain authority (DA)


Price (Monthly)

00;50  –



50;70  –



70;99 +


$100,000 – $200,000

Establishing pricing for our content removal packages is a meticulous process, customized to the unique characteristics of each case. While the exact pricing can vary significantly based on the complexity and specifics of the task, our goal is to provide you with an estimate to offer clarity regarding what to expect.

We offer discounts to our valued partners when they entrust us with substantial volumes of work. Additionally, please be aware that ‘de-indexing’ content is also considered a form of removal, and we include this aspect in our pricing structure.

Our unwavering commitment to transparency and delivering exceptional results is evident in our pricing, which reflects our dedication to both our clients and partners.

Enhancing the Positive Reputation of Your Company, Services, and Individual Users

After we have diligently overseen your online presence, the next step is to nurture a favorable profile for your business or personal identity.

For businesses, the process is clear-cut - we enhance your existing image.

For individuals, the process starts with a consultation led by one of our experts.

During this session, you have the opportunity to express the image you want to convey to the world, whether it’s that of a real estate magnate or a philanthropic figure. Once we have aligned on the persona you aim to present online, we commence the process of enhancing your entire online presence, adding a professional touch.


Here’s a breakdown of the stages to provide you with a clear understanding of the costs and the efforts dedicated to shaping your profile:

Stage 1: Establishing a Positive Social Media Presence

During this stage, we create a comprehensive social media presence that showcases your positive contributions to the world, in harmony with the chosen profile.

Stage 2: Cultivating Positive Public Relations on Credible News Outlets

Sustaining a positive online image requires that the top 10 search results linked to your keyword are all positive. This is accomplished by strategically publishing content on reputable, authoritative websites recognized by search engines such as Google.

Stage 3: Continuous Monitoring and Content Enhancement

Following the completion of the previous stages, we maintain vigilant monitoring of your online presence. We will keep you updated on the ongoing endeavors to improve your image while addressing any existing negative content associated with you or your company.

The pricing for this service is individually tailored to each task, taking into account the varying complexity and specific requirements of each case.


Frequently Ask Questions

The removal process typically takes between 1 to 2 weeks.

To clear the first page of search results through content suppression typically takes 6 to 12 months.

Should the content reappear on the same website, we will remove it once more at no extra charge. This guarantee remains in effect for a duration of 6 months.

In the unlikely circumstance where we are unable to meet our commitments, the client will receive a refund of their initial payment. We are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction and the successful attainment of your objectives.

Our expertise extends across a variety of search engines, with a primary emphasis on Google. However, we also offer our services on other prominent search platforms.

Our extensive global reach spans numerous countries and languages. We offer our services to clients in the UK, Europe, the US, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

In some cases, content can be removed at its source or delisted from Google's search results, especially when it violates website terms or Google's guidelines. In the UK, we utilize the Defamation Act to address objectionable content. However, the challenge often arises from the distributed nature of the internet, where content may exist on multiple websites, making comprehensive removal more complex.

Regrettably, due to external variables beyond our control, offering guarantees is not possible. These variables include changes in search engine algorithms, the creation of new content, an increase in third-party links, and external public relations or commentary. Nevertheless, we are committed to continuous improvement by achieving Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and enhancing rankings through the distribution of shared online content on a monthly basis. Additionally, we are ready to provide case studies under a non-disclosure agreement to showcase our successful results when necessary.

Many clients opt to sign a specific contract, typically with an initial duration of 6-12 months, which can be extended upon expiration. Building a lasting online reputation and influencing Google rankings requires time and dedication. We adhere to Google's algorithms and best practices to establish enduring positive online reputations.

We offer content and PR creation services as needed. In some instances, your input may be valuable, particularly if your industry is regulated or if you are already engaged in content creation. We work collaboratively to ensure that the content and PR align with your goals and industry-specific requirements.

You possess the ultimate authority to give approval for the content before it is published or distributed to the press.

Sustaining a positive reputation requires continuous maintenance. External factors, such as negative comments on review websites or the indexing of new content by search engines, can impact it. Consistent efforts to safeguard a positive online presence are crucial for ensuring its long-term durability and resilience.